Plagiarism Vocabulary

Term Definition
abbreviate provide the short form of a word; e.g. Oct. = October
accidental not on purpose; by mistake
acknowledge recognize or thank someone by name
align line-up a section of text (or image) with one side of a page or margin
alphabetical sorting style that uses the alphabet; words starting with "A" go first
bibliography a detailed list of research sources used
cheat to disobey a rule in order to win or look good
citation a line of text that details one reference material
cite provide information about a reference material
common knowledge information that is known by much of the public
copy to reproduce an original work
copyright gives the author or creator the rights related to selling, publishing, and distributing creative work
credit (noun or verb) acknowledgment (to acknowledge) of the original creator
direct quotes exact wording from an outside source; placed in quotation marks with appropriate citation
flagged added to a list of those who have broken rules in the past
illegal not allowed by law
indent a blank section (usually five spaces) before a line of text or new paragraph
intellectual property creative work that a person completes such as writing, photography, drawing
intentional on purpose; not accidental
MLA Modern Language Association; a common style guide
nd no date; used in a citation when no date is available
np no page; used in a citation when no page is available
paraphrase put research into your own words
plagiarism (noun)
plagiarize (verb)
illegally copying someone else's work and presenting it as your own
post publish something on the Internet
quotation line(s) of text copied from another source and placed inside quotation marks ("  ")
references sources such as books or articles that a person checks or uses during the research stage
reputation the view or impression the audience or public has of someone/something
rule of thumb a good or common standard to follow
source (noun and verb) the place you found the content
steal to take or use something without permission
style manual a guide that provides proper formatting for citations
unintentional not on purpose; accidental
violation the breaking (not following) of terms, conditions, or the law
Works Cited a page at the end of an academic work that details the research sources used

(EnglishClub consulted the pages below while creating this resource.)

Delaney, Robert. "MLA Citation Style" Long Island University. C.W.Post Campus 15 Nov. 2007. 20 May 2009.

Purdue OWL. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide" The Online Writing Lab at Purdue 12 May 2009

"Plagiarism" Handouts and Links UNC Writing Center 8 August 2008. 15 May 2009