Opposites Quiz Match the male member of the family on the left with the female member on its right. husband ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother son ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother father ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother uncle ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother grandfather ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother nephew ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother cousin ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother brother ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother great-grandson ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother son-in-law ??? aunt wife great-granddaughter mother sister niece daughter cousin daughter-in-law grandmother Your score is: