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Abo Australian English taboo!!!

an Australian Aborigine, Aboriginal, koori

fuck-up taboo!!!

a serious mistake

fuck all taboo!!!

nothing or very little

ass-kisser American English taboo!!!

someone who says nice things to someone in order to get something from them

arse-licking British and Australian English taboo!!!

saying nice things to someone in order to get something from them

cunt taboo!!!

1) vagina; female sexual organs 2) a very unpleasant or stupid person

queef | quif American English taboo!!!

to expel air from the vagina (v.) | an expulsion of air from the vagina (n.)

yid | Yid taboo!!!

an offensive, derogatory word meaning a Jewish person

fuck taboo!!!

to have sex (v.) | sexual intercourse (n.)

kike American English taboo!!!

a derogatory word meaning a Jewish person

bugger (3) taboo!!!

to perform anal intercourse

dago taboo!!!

a derogatory word for a person from Italy, Spain, Portugal or South America

fuck off taboo!!!

go away

fuck up taboo!!!

to do something badly, to ruin something

fucked | fucked up taboo!!!

ruined, spoiled, in bad condition

fuck around taboo!!!

to waste time, to do unimportant or trivial things

wog British English taboo!!!

an offensive, derogatory term for a person whose skin colour is not white

wop taboo!!!

a derogatory term for a person from southern Europe, especially an Italian