Decimal Numbers
We can describe numbers smaller than one by using fractions or decimals. Today, the decimal system is more common than fractions.
To indicate a decimal number we use a point (.) and this includes money such as dollars and cents.
Look at these decimal examples:
We write: | We say: |
0.3 | nought point three zero point three |
3.45 | three point four five (NOT three point forty-five) |
98.4 | ninety-eight point four |
$1.55 | one dollar, fifty-five cents one dollar, fifty-five |
$700.00 | seven hundred dollars |
€3,500.50 | three thousand five hundred euro and fifty cents three thousand five hundred euro, fifty cents |
Remember that we use commas to separate thousands. Be careful with commas and points. Some languages use them in the opposite way!