Minimal Pair initial /r/ and /w/
Below is a list of words that vary only by one starting with the sound /r/ and the other starting with the sound /w/.
You can use this list to practise the sounds, or as a list of words to be careful in pronouncing.
rare where
right white
run one
write white
ray way
reed we'd
rich which
rock wok
run won
rye why
rave wave
ray weigh
reek weak
reel wheel
reeve we've
rent went
rest west
ride wide
roar war
room womb
rose woes
rage wage
raid weighed
rail whale
rare wear
rate weight
rear we're
reared weird
red wed
rich witch
rife wife
ring wing
rink wink
rip whip
ripe wipe
rise wise
risk whisk
wrist whist
rack whack
rag wag
raid wade
rail wail
rake wake
ram wham
rate wait
reap weep
reed weed
reek week
rend wend
rick wick
riff whiff
rig wig
rile while
riled wild
rim whim
rind wind (v)
rite white
roared ward
rod wad
roe woe
rot what
round wound (v)
rove wove
row (n) woe
row (n/v) wow
rued wooed
rye Y
wrought wart