Minimal Pair initial /k/ and /g/
Below is a list of words that vary only by one beginning with the sound /k/ and the other beginning with the sound /g/.
You can use this list to practise the sounds, or as a list of words to be careful in pronouncing.
came game
card guard
class glass
cold gold
could good
cave gave
clean glean
cot got
crate great
crease Greece
cap gap
cash gash
Co. go
coast ghost
coat goat
come gum
con gone
course gorse
crab grab
cram gram
creek Greek
crepe grape
crew grew
croup group
crow grow
curly girly
cut gut
K gay
key ghee
kill gill
cane gain
clad glad
clamour glamour
clue glue
cod god
crane grain
crease grease
creed greed
crime grime
krill grill
cab gab
caf gaff
cape gape
clam glam
cob gob
coo goo
cord gored
core gore
cork gawk
corp gawp
cosh gosh
coup goo
coy goy
cramps gramps
crate grate
craven graven
craze graze
cripes gripes
crowned ground
crumble grumble
cuff guff
cull gull
cunning gunning
curd gird
cussed gust
kale gale
kilt gilt
kit git