
Whether you are holding a meeting or attending a meeting, it is important that you understand key English phrases and expressions related to meetings. A successful meeting has no surprises. With proper preparation and careful organization, a meeting can run smoothly. The most typical complaint about meetings is that they run too long. Meetings that run longer than necessary can be very costly to a company or business. As the famous business expression says: Time is money. Setting goals and time limits, keeping to the agenda, and knowing how to refocus, are key components of an effective meeting. This may sound simple in your own native language, but it is a little trickier when you or the participants do not speak fluent English. These pages will help you hold or attend a meeting with success. Review the vocabulary, read through the lessons, and then check your understanding.


The following pages will be based on the meeting of a fictional company called Paris Tours. The owner of the small tour company is Pierre. He has ten employees, including four supervisors, Kana and Thomas (guides), Nolan (driver), and Jane (receptionist). These four supervisors will be called to a meeting to discuss the upcoming tourist season. Follow through the pages to watch how Pierre prepares for and holds the meeting, and how his staff participate.

Meetings Vocabulary
Learn the words you'll need when attending or holding meetings in English

Meetings Vocabulary Quiz
Test what you learned about meetings vocabulary

Preparing for a Meeting
Calling a meeting, writing an agenda, allocating roles

Opening a Meeting
Small talk, welcome, roll call/apologies, objectives

Following the Agenda
Sticking to the topic

Closing a Meeting
Wrapping it all up

Meetings Skills Test
Check your understanding of the English meetings skills you learned