Other Verb Form Games
In each of these MOBILE-FRIENDLY online games, the words are all mixed up. You put the words in the right order to make a sentence. Each set has 10 games, and each game gets harder from 1 to 10.
Talking about the Past Games
USED TO for Past Habit/State Games
HAD TO for Past Obligation Games
Talking about the Present Games
HAVE TO for Present Obligation Games
OUGHT TO/HAD BETTER for Present Obligation/Advice Games
OUGHT TO for Present High Probability Games
Talking about the Future Games
Present Simple for Future Schedules/Dates Games
Present Continuous for Future Plans Games
GOING TO for Future Intention/Prediction Games
OUGHT TO for Future High Probability Games
OUGHT TO/HAD BETTER for Future Obligation/Advice Games
WILL HAVE TO for Future Obligation Games
To win each game, create a correct sentence in common, standard English. Uncommon or literary forms of English are not acceptable.
Here are some grammar lessons to help you on some of the above forms: