English Language Reference
- Collocations
- English collocations, with example sentences, notes and quizzes
- Conversational Phrases
- Everyday expressions, with example sentences, notes and quizzes
- Doublespeak Examples
- List of about fifty English doublespeak examples, each with a definition, example sentences, notes and quick quiz question
- Dysphemism Examples
- Dysphemisms - the opposite of euphemisms. For each dysphemism you'll find a definition, example sentences, notes and quick quiz question.
- Euphemism Examples
- A selection of English euphemisms, with example sentences, notes and quizzes
- Idioms
- English idiomatic expressions, with example sentences, notes and quizzes.
- Phrasal Verbs
- Phrasal verbs with example sentences, notes and quizzes
- Quotes
- Quotations in English, with author, notes and vocabulary
- Sayings
- Sayings and proverbs, with interpretations, notes and quizzes
- Slang
- English slang words, with examples, notes, warnings and quizzes
- Nouns that are Count and Noncount
- Nouns with countable and uncountable meaning, with examples and quizzes
- List of Eponyms
- English eponyms list, with example sentences, notes and quizzes
- Festivals
- Some religious and cultural festivals celebrated in various countries
- Power of 7
- A light-hearted look at English vocabulary and curiosities
- Teacher's Notes
- Including tips for classroom quizzes and games