Phrasal Verbs Rock

Listen for the phrasal verbs. They all start with the letter ‘r’.

Title: Phrasal Verbs Rock
Singer/song writer: Jonathan Taylor Brittunculi


I need to run over a new song so I must rush off
It reminds me of a singer who raked in lots of cash
I’ll reach out to my fans so they don’t feel ripped off
I hope the band will rally around

Phrasal Verbs Rock

I rushed into buying a yacht and ran up quite a debt
I’ve reverted to locking the door, in case they root me out
I’ve resorted to hiding myself, in case the bailiff rolls up
But he’ll be here, it can be relied upon

Phrasal Verbs Rock

I need to run over a new song so I must rush off
It reminds me of a singer who raked in lots of cash
I’ll reach out to my fans so they don’t feel ripped off
I hope the band will rally around

Phrasal Verbs Rock

I rushed into buying a yacht and ran up quite a debt
I’ve reverted to locking the door, in case they root me out
I’ve resorted to hiding myself, in case the bailiff rolls up
But he’ll be here, it can be relied upon

Phrasal Verbs Rock

I guess I’m resigning myself to poverty…

Phrasal Verbs Rock (video with subtitles)

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