What is the difference between road rage and air rage?
What is a common cause of air rage?
What is the Chinese government thinking about doing?
Discussion Questions: If an air rage incident occurred on an airplane that you were on, would you get involved? Why, or why not?
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Air Rage Is Common In China
You are probably familiar with the term road rage. This refers to anger expressed by drivers on roads and highways. A driver may lose his temper if another driver cuts him off, slows him down, or steals a parking spot. Road rage causes many accidents every year. Have you heard about air rage? This refers to angry outbursts related to flight travel. Air rage may occur at the ticket counter, at the baggage claim, or even on the airplane. In China, where travel headaches such as delayed flights are on the rise, air rage is becoming a big concern. In fact, the Chinese government is considering adopting a no fly list. This will prevent offending travellers from boarding Chinese planes.
The difference between road rage and air rage is that road rage takes place on a road or highway, while air rage takes place in an airport or airplane.
Travel headaches, such as delayed flights, commonly result in air rage.
The Chinese government is thinking about placing air rage offenders on a ‘no fly’ list.