Sayings Quiz: Justice
1. If the saying "A just war is better than an unjust peace" is right, which of the following is preferable?: a) just a war b) no war, under an unjust rule c) war for a valid reason
2. If "comparisons are odious", then comparing two people is: a) useful b) fragrant c) pointless
3. If "fair exchange is no robbery" and you agree to give me your watch in return for my mobile phone, that is: a) theft b) a donation c) equitable
4. "Give credit where credit is due" suggests that we should express approval or admiration whenever it is: a) merited b) asked for c) unwarranted
5. If we should "give the devil his due", we should praise even our enemy: a) when payment is overdue b) when he does something praiseworthy c) under no circumstances
6. If "ignorance of the law is no excuse", a judge is most likely to find someone not-guilty if he can prove that: a) he didn't know that what he did was wrong b) he didn't do what he was accused of c) he thought the law did not apply to him
7. If I "share and share alike", and I have nine guests at my birthday party, how will I divide my birthday cake?: a) give 10% to each person present b) give 9% to each person and keep the rest c) give the boys bigger portions than the girls
8. If "there are two sides to every question", this saying: a) must be true b) may be true c) cannot be true
9. A society where "there's one law for the rich, and another for the poor" could be described as: a) democratic b) fair c) unfair
10. "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander" is a saying about: a) cookery b) birds c) fairness