GCF Learn Free
An EnglishClub Site of the Month (October 2012)
The Goodwill Community Foundation’s Learn Free website offers practical online lessons for everyday living. The site includes interactive audio lessons, such as using the bank machine, paying with a debit card, and reading a subway map. There are also lessons on computer and career skills. You will also find a complete Reading section where you can use your native language to help you. Whether you want to learn something basic like how to tell time, or something more advanced, such as how to use iTunes, the lessons are provided in easy English. Explore the index for topics you are interested in.
Rinshi says:
I want to learn English
Collins Funga says:
I need to learn English
Graciela Ruiz says:
I need conversation skill as well as grammar skills, for I can get a better job. I am glad I foung this online page. Thanks
manel says:
I woudl like to speak english fluently
Josephine says:
My speaking skill is very bad and I hope I will improve my skill as join this EnglishClub with expectation to get support from native speakers as well as English- countries Clubmates. Thanks!