Posted by: Josef EssbergerIf we take the word DOG and change its letters around we can get GOD. That is an anagram – a word (or phrase) made by mixing up the letters of another word (or phrase). The DOG = GOD example is a very simple anagram. Another example would be CINEMA = ICEMAN.
But the cleverest anagrams are much more complicated and often have some relationship to the original words:
Astronomer = Moon starer
Debit card = Bad credit
Schoolmaster = The classroom
Halley’s Comet = Shall yet come
Punishment = Nine Thumps
Posted by Josef Essberger November 2007
Josef founded EnglishClub for learners and teachers of English in 1997
hong t nhan, vietnam says:
the word or phrase or sentence if spelled backward is the same as if spelled forward is called a palindrome. ABBA,e.i…
Illuminatress says:
Santa = Satan
Santa’s Presents = Satan’s Serpents -
english says:
radar comes from: ra(dio) d(etection) a(nd) r(anging)
1234 says:
radar=radar -
annie says:
hey,the worlds are amazing!!!