New dollar bill
Posted by: Josef EssbergerTo support the bailout of AIG, Lehman, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac the US Treasury Department has issued a new one dollar bill… You may also like: Amzanig huh? Using Memory in EFL Classes 10 Tips for Games in the ESL Classroom
To support the bailout of AIG, Lehman, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac the US Treasury Department has issued a new one dollar bill…
Posted by Josef Essberger October 2008
Josef founded EnglishClub for learners and teachers of English in 1997
laike says:
It means new edition of dollar is new paper just fabricated.
Linda k (Hollywood) says:
Look like a George Washington headaches with
all politicians to resolved the situation. -
Linda K (Hollywood) says:
This is a joke dollars bill.
Look like a George washing headaches with All
politicians to resolved the situation.
Have a funny dollars Bill in USA.God bless
Linda K (Hollywood) -
gold says:
oh my GOD what bring mr bush for you
america is failed
america is failed because bad policy of bush
hanane says:
Hello Dear Joe,
It’s a very funny dollar bill.