Collocations Quiz: War
1. declare war - When a country declares war, it's announcing: a) the end of a war b) the start of a war c) the threat of a war
2. fight a war - Countries fight wars against: a) their enemies b) their citizens c) their allies
3. jet fighter - What are jet fighters?: a) pilots who fly war planes b) war planes with jet engines c) people who fight jets
4. join the army - I decided to join the army because: a) I wanted to be a soldier b) I was tired of being a soldier c) I was wounded during the war
5. missing in action - If a soldier has been listed as "missing in action", he: a) has been missing since military action b) has missed some military action c) misses military action
6. obey an order - Soldiers who don't obey orders are usually: a) severely punished b) immediately promoted c) greatly rewarded
7. open fire - The soldiers opened fire because: a) they were feeling very cold b) they were ordered to shoot c) they had to cook some food
8. security forces - A country's security forces are responsible for: a) defending its people b) attacking its people c) forcing its people
9. take prisoner - If you've been taken prisoner, you've been: a) taken to see a prisoner b) given a prison sentence c) captured and held by force
10. win a war - After we won the war, all our soldiers were: a) sent to prison camps b) sent back to fight c) sent back home