Idioms Quiz: Transport
1. a roller coaster | a roller-coaster ride - Ben says his life was a roller-coaster ride while: a) he was living in an amusement park b) he was staying in a cottage in the countryside c) he was getting divorced and changing his job
2. burn your bridges | burn your boats - You'll be burning your bridges if you: a) save your money while working in a bank b) steal a customer's money while working in a bank c) borrow some money while working in a bank
3. cross that bridge when we come to it - We can say "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" if someone asks about: a) how to get over a river b) a future problem c) a failed business
4. jump on the bandwagon - When political correctness became popular in the nineties, millions of people jumped on the bandwagon and: a) said it was incorrect b) became politically correct c) corrected people's politics
5. plain sailing - We drove to Paris, and after getting out of London it was plain sailing all the way because: a) there was hardly any traffic b) it rained so much it was flooding c) we had a strong westerly tailwind
6. put the brakes on - The United Nations will have to put the brakes on some important programs unless it can: a) find more money b) waste more money c) print more money
7. rock the boat - When Jenny started working at the hospital, she rocked the boat by: a) saying how well it was run b) questioning the way things were done c) doing her job quietly and not saying much
8. steer clear of - Tell your kids to steer clear of that dog. I was told that: a) it bites people b) it wags its tail c) it loves children
9. upset the applecart - We'd planned to have our wedding in the local park, but the head of the council upset the applecart when he: a) backed his car into some stalls at the market b) refused to give us permission c) congratulated us on our wedding
10. zebra crossing - A zebra crossing is a place for: a) zebras to cross the road b) people to cross the road c) cars to run people over