Phrasal Verbs Quiz: put 1

This quiz tests you on phrasal verbs based on put.

1. put aside (1)

Squirrels collect nuts and put them aside

a. so more trees will grow

b. for their grandchildren to inherit

c. so they'll have food in winter

2. put aside (2)

Can we put that question aside for now and

a. come back to it later?

b. answer it straight away?

c. never consider it again?

3. put back (1)

Somebody forgot to put the milk back in

a. the bottle

b. the cow

c. the fridge

4. put back (2)

The meeting was going to be on Tuesday, but we've had to put it back to

a. the following Thursday

b. the previous Friday

c. the day before

5. put off

The concert has been put off

a. until a later date

b. for a cheaper price

c. to a better concert hall

6. put out (1)

After we had put out the fire, we

a. watched it burn

b. cleaned up the mess

c. used a match to light it

7. put out (2)

If having us stay at your house is putting you out, we can

a. stay even longer

b. invite our friends as well

c. go to a hotel instead

8. put together (1)

If you're putting together a model or a kit, it's good idea to read

a. the newspaper

b. the rules

c. the instructions

9. put together (2)

The fashion designer Popo is busy putting together her

a. latest boyfriend

b. spring collection

c. stunning legs

10. put up with

The workers in the factory had been badly treated for a long time and they couldn't put up with it any more, so they

a. worked harder

b. went on strike

c. talked about it

NB: you can also print this quiz on paper.

1. put aside (1) - Squirrels collect nuts and put them aside: a) so more trees will grow b) for their grandchildren to inherit c) so they'll have food in winter

2. put aside (2) - Can we put that question aside for now and: a) come back to it later? b) answer it straight away? c) never consider it again?

3. put back (1) - Somebody forgot to put the milk back in: a) the bottle b) the cow c) the fridge

4. put back (2) - The meeting was going to be on Tuesday, but we've had to put it back to: a) the following Thursday b) the previous Friday c) the day before

5. put off - The concert has been put off: a) until a later date b) for a cheaper price c) to a better concert hall

6. put out (1) - After we had put out the fire, we: a) watched it burn b) cleaned up the mess c) used a match to light it

7. put out (2) - If having us stay at your house is putting you out, we can: a) stay even longer b) invite our friends as well c) go to a hotel instead

8. put together (1) - If you're putting together a model or a kit, it's good idea to read: a) the newspaper b) the rules c) the instructions

9. put together (2) - The fashion designer Popo is busy putting together her: a) latest boyfriend b) spring collection c) stunning legs

10. put up with - The workers in the factory had been badly treated for a long time and they couldn't put up with it any more, so they: a) worked harder b) went on strike c) talked about it

Contributor: Matt Errey