Conversational Phrases/C

Conversational phrases beginning with C. Select a phrase for more details.

can I help you? FORMAL

If you work in a shop or a business, you can say this to a customer if you think they might need your help.

can't be bothered British and Australian English INFORMAL

You can say this if you don't want to do something because you're feeling tired or lazy.

can't wait | can hardly wait

You can say this if you're looking forward to something very much.

chances are

You can use this instead of "probably" when saying what's likely to happen.

check this out | check it out INFORMAL

You can say this if you're showing something to someone.

come again? INFORMAL

You can say this if you don't understand a word or phrase that someone's used.

come off it! INFORMAL

You can say this if you strongly disagree with someone, or strongly object to what they're doing.

come on

You can say this if you're comforting someone who's sad or afraid.

come on! (1)

You can use this to tell someone to hurry up.

come on! (2)

You can say this to get someone to put more effort into something, or to start doing something that requires effort.

come to think of it

You can say this if you're suddenly reminded of something.

correct me if I'm wrong

You can say this if there's a small chance you could be wrong, or if you're politely correcting someone.

could always

You can say this when making a suggestion or giving advice.

could do with INFORMAL

You can use this when saying what you, or someone else, needs.

could have easily

You can use this when saying that something was very possible, but it didn't happen.

could have sworn

You can say this when you're very sure about something, esp. when it seems you could be wrong.

couldn't help it

You can use this to say you, or someone else, can't be blamed for something going wrong.

cross my heart (and hope to die) INFORMAL

You can use this to emphasize that you'll do what you promise to do, or that you're telling the truth.

cut it out! | cut that out! INFORMAL

You can use this to tell someone to stop doing something that's annoying or upsetting you.

Contributor: Matt Errey