Dysphemisms Quiz 2
1. overthink - If someone says you're "overthinking", they want you to: a) start thinking about something b) keep thinking about something c) stop thinking about something
2. politicize - "Politicize" is a dysphemism when it's used to attack: a) biased comments b) unbiased comments c) ridiculous comments
3. primitive - Who would most 19th-century Europeans have called "primitive"?: a) a Russian dancer b) an African musician c) a French criminal
4. reactionary - Who would you expect to be called "reactionary"?: a) a left-wing politician b) an opposition politician c) a right-wing politician
5. regime - The government was called a "regime" by foreign leaders who: a) supported it b) opposed it c) visited it
6. slum - If you call someone's home or district a "slum", you might: a) upset them b) make them poor c) make them feel proud
7. snail mail - Which would you send by snail mail?: a) a downloaded song b) a record or DVD c) a sound file
8. subversive - The word "subversive" is often used to demonize people who: a) oppose a government b) support a government c) protect a government
9. terrorist - The word "terrorist" shouldn't be used to describe: a) non-state fighters who kill civilians b) people who carry out terrorist attacks c) organizers of a protest movement
10. warmist - Who's most likely to call a climate scientist a "warmist"?: a) an environmentalist b) an oil industry lobbyist c) a climate change activist