Colour Idioms Quiz

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests many of the idioms on our Colour Idioms page.

1. My face goes _______ when I'm embarrassed.

beet red
a) beet red b) golden c) silver

2. The boxer was _______ after round 10.

green as grass
black and blue
a black sheep
a) green as grass b) black and blue c) a black sheep

3. If you "have the blues", you feel

a) sick b) sad c) hungry

4. I only eat meat once in a

green day
yellow star
blue moon
a) green day b) yellow star c) blue moon

5. This job's my _______ to get experience in the industry.

red tape
golden opportunity
grey area
a) red tape b) golden opportunity c) grey area

6. If something happens "out of the blue", it's

a surprise
a) a surprise b) unwelcome c) embarrassing

7. If you're taking "the red eye", you're taking

a slow bus
an early train
a very late flight
a) a slow bus b) an early train c) a very late flight

8. We were given the _______ to take time off for our holiday.

black sheep
green light
white lie
a) black sheep b) green light c) white lie

9. If you're born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you're born into a _______ family.

a) rich b) strange c) poor

10. People often show their _______ when they've had too much to drink.

true blues
true colours
flying colours
a) true blues b) true colours c) flying colours

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