My English Learning Contract
I, ______________________________ (your name), promise to study English for a minimum of _______ (your realistic number) hours per week, from _____/_____/20_____ to _____/_____/20_____ (no more than three months).
My #1 goal is to:
(example: improve my listening and speaking skills)
Other specific goals include:
(ex: learn 100 new words)
(ex: write an email in English every day)
(ex: improve my pronunciation)
I will re-evaluate my study sessions and goals and sign a new contract at the end of this study period. If I keep to the above program and achieve the above goals I will reward myself with:
____________________________ (ex: new shoes/mini vacation)
Signed: ______________ (your signature)
Witness: ______________ (signature of friend, teacher etc)
Date: _____/_____/20_____