Frequently Asked Questions about EnglishClub

This page of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) shows general questions for everyone. You can also look at:

What is EnglishClub and who is it for?
EnglishClub is for anyone learning or teaching English. It's a site where learners come to improve their English through online lessons, quizzes, games, forums, blogs, videos, photos etc. Many teachers use it as a resource for lesson plans and jobs. We have members from almost every country in the world. Many language schools and universities around the world link to EnglishClub for its solid content. EnglishClub is designed for the learning of English as a second language, so most of our student visitors are non-native speakers, whereas our teacher visitors may be native or non-native speakers.

Is EnglishClub free of charge?
Yes, access to all parts of EnglishClub is free, thanks mainly to our advertisers and sponsors.

Who started and/or owns EnglishClub?
EnglishClub was founded and is owned by London-born Josef Essberger, who has taught English in Europe and Asia. He founded EnglishClub for ESL learners and teachers in 1997, and the following year founded, a site for English teachers.

When did EnglishClub start?
EnglishClub was founded on 7th July 1997, making it one of the earliest English-learning sites on the Internet.

Where does EnglishClub come from?
EnglishClub is a British site based in Cambridge, England.

Does EnglishClub use British or American English?
As a British site based in England, EnglishClub is written mainly in British English. But we have pages about other varieties of English such as American or Canadian. Don't be surprised if you see a word that you think is wrongly spelled. Some words are spelled differently in British English and American English. "Colour", for example, is British English. In American English it is "color". We try to make this clear when it is important.

Why don't you have links for sharing EnglishClub pages on Facebook?
Because Facebook uses such links to track you. If you'd like to share an EnglishClub page on Facebook, you don't need a link or permission from us. Go to your Facebook page and just do it ✔️

Why doesn't EnglishClub have a Facebook page?
EnglishClub used to have a page on Facebook until overnight the number of our fans jumped from c200,000 to c400,000, at which point we realized that Facebook is not to be trusted and deleted our account.

What's your policy on spam?
We don't like it! And we don't tolerate it. For example, we send the free ESL Progress! newsletter only to people who have subscribed. And we make it easy for you to unsubscribe too.

Does EnglishClub keep my email address private?
We have a very strict policy on privacy on the Internet. In plain English, that means we don't give or sell or rent your name or email address to anybody without your specific permission (though we might reveal it if required to do so by the police or other government agency in the event of a criminal investigation). For full details, please see our Privacy Notice.

How do I contact EnglishClub?
You can contact EnglishClub easily. Please click the contact link at the bottom of any page for details.

Can I join EnglishClub? If so, how?
Yes! Please click here to subscribe to the EnglishClub newsletter..

Can I subscribe to an EnglishClub newsletter?
Yes! Anyone can subscribe to our free regular email newsletter, ESL Progress.

Can I submit an article?
We welcome articles for possible publication on EnglishClub. You can submit an article here.

What are the 7 Secrets and how do I get them?
7 Secrets for ESL Learners comes to you by email. You receive one secret a day for one week. In the first week you will learn seven of the best ways to improve your English fast. After that you receive weekly tips on learning English, always around the number 7, for example, "The 7 Colours of the Rainbow" or "7 Ways to Say OUGH". You'll receive these emails for one year. Subscribe to 7 Secrets here