Sample Covering Letter for Resume

This is the covering letter that Rachel King sends with her resume (CV) when seeking employment by Interplay Languages.

26 rue Washington
75008 PARIS
tel: +33 1 77 77 77 77
email: [email protected]

4 November 20--

The Principal
Interplay Languages
77 bd Saint Germain
75006 PARIS

Dear Madam

Director of Studies

I am interested in working as Director of Studies for your organisation. I am an EFL language instructor with nearly 10 years' experience to offer you. I enclose my resume as a first step in exploring the possibilities of employment with Interplay Languages.

My most recent experience was implementing English Through Drama workshops for use with corporate clients. I was responsible for the overall pedagogical content, including the student coursebook. In addition, I developed the first draft of the teacher's handbook.

As Director of Studies with your organisation, I would bring a focus on quality and effectiveness to your syllabus design. Furthermore, I work well with others, and I am experienced in course planning.

I would appreciate your keeping this enquiry confidential. I will call you in a few days to arrange an interview at a time convenient to you. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully

Rachel King

Rachel King