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This can be a very entertaining activity. Teacher calls out a number to the class and students try to find it and reply with the corresponding letter. They cross off each item when they get it right. Note that some of the numbers are deliberately confusing (e.g. 70/17) and there are also currency and percentage numbers. There are twenty-six numbers, each corresponding to a letter of the alphabet represented by the phonetic spelling alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie). You could instruct students to reply with A instead of Alpha. You can also reverse the process, i.e. you call out A and students reply with 19. At appropriate levels you can have students call out numbers or letters instead of the teacher.
19 Alpha |
4519 Bravo |
45190 Charlie |
90 Delta |
6,087,010 Echo |
2.764% Foxtrot |
US$100.50 Golf |
70,000.1 Hotel |
6,000,870,010 India |
7882 Juliet |
1992 Kilo |
6,087.01 Lima |
US$150.00 Mike |
15 November |
96.69 Oscar |
33.33 Papa |
17,001 Quebec |
071-655-7771 Romeo |
17.5% Sierra |
50 Tango |
1892 Uniform |
78-82 Victor |
17.001 Whisky |
071-655-7177 X-ray |
70.5% Yankie |
10,501 Zulu |