EnglishClub Guestbook 2011

egon — Brazil — Hi,
My name is Egon, I am from Brazil, Very good site, congratulations — 01/01/2011
ahmed — sudan — hi everybody  really great site i get it by accident  and i hope more develop to our EC   — 02/01/2011
Achmad Mubin — UAE — Hi ... its awesome !!! Keep improving and learning guys .... ! — 05/01/2011
Joy — USA — Hi, EveryBody, Very excited to rushed in the guestbook. I am glad to know you all. Happy New Year! do you have resolutions for 2011?? Thanks;-);-) — 06/01/2011
Rian Febriana — Indonesia — Hallo everybody... Nice to meet this site and ofcourse all of it's members. Hopefully, after join this club my English proficiency will be better... :-) — 07/01/2011
Mandeep singh — india — i want to speak english with english people plz help me... — 08/01/2011
Maricor Ramirez — Philippines — THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING ;-) — 14/01/2011
satish — india — hi sir i don't know spellings well i need a idea to learn  spellings from you i hope i get reply soon  thank you satish — 15/01/2011
ple nantana — Chacheongsao. — Hi — 15/01/2011
Sandy M — Canada — BEAUTIFUL SITE...THANKS:-) — 15/01/2011
Thasnim — lk — Hi this is Thasnim i'm new to this site, as i read the articles in this, i realized that this site is going to help me n various ways i'm having some problems in spelling and listening may i have sum help to improve it... hope  i'll improve my English sooner...                                Thank You. — 17/01/2011
Sebastian Ibacache — Chile — Hi Great job! thank you very much. Greets from Chile — 18/01/2011
sara — usa — ;-) hi thanks u helped me with hw so much — 20/01/2011
Sam — China — it's a good website for me to study English.Thanks !!:-) — 20/01/2011
Abbas — qatar — i like it — 20/01/2011
Sarith — cambodia — i want to learn english online for free — 21/01/2011
Lal Hettiarachchi — Sri Lanka — I want to chat with anyone
— 22/01/2011
Arlene — Philippines — My name is Arlene from the Philippines, I was referred here by the Call Center where I applied but failed, so I am learning English thru this website and it helps me to refresh Grammar skills which the Call Center ask me to improve.  So far this website helps me to review my Grammar skills;-) — 24/01/2011
eric shun — uk — :-D
hi ingrish vely gud.
— 24/01/2011
Rosamaria Gonzalez — Guatemala — ;-) I found the information, quizzes, worksheets very helpful.
Thanks a lot — 25/01/2011
mohapi — south africa — hello, i'm new here, at englishclub.com, And i find it very educational,and i'm prepared  to learn with you thank you. mohapi,south africa.   — 27/01/2011
Shabih Fatima — Pakistan — :-)i am new to english club:-D its a great site. — 30/01/2011
Kostyan — Russia — Hey, yesterday i discovered this site. It is good for improving my English. I'll answer everyone with pleasure. ;-) — 30/01/2011
John — Australia — An excellent site. I enjoy being with people who speak and write the English language correctly, as I was taught in a British Grammar school.  I must ask a question. "Is the word 'footer',now used in documents and written on one of your pages, a correct English word?". I think it was created by Microsoft, and I believe the word 'footnote' would be more appropriate.
Yours faithfully, 'Jon in Oz' — 01/02/2011
Nory Celedon — Chile — This site is great ,I am teacher in English and I love to visit to take some ideas in english teaching. Thanks a lot. Best Regards. Nory Celedón. — 01/02/2011
samadi — Iran — hi dear thank you for your kindness. — 01/02/2011
Sabuhi — Azerbaijan — It is great site!:-[] — 02/02/2011
Atilla — Kyrgyz Republic — Hi,Englishclub stuff! I'd like to ask when i'll be accept into your club,because my rquest is pending aproval..? Thank you very much! — 03/02/2011
jacob  — Panama — I like it.  — 04/02/2011
maaaay — brunei darussalam — iam maaaay. worked as a students :) while waiting for the results i rather spent my time with english lessons. lastly, i love to having a lots of friend.:-) — 04/02/2011
keti — Georgia — it is a very good idea and very simple to learn english very well,for  students:-[]:-[] — 06/02/2011
Reza Alaei — Iran — Hello, your website and its contents are very useful. I like it and I have to appreciate you. Thank you very much and Good luck.:-) — 06/02/2011
mom — Serbia — I hope my dauther will like the idea just as much as I do. Mom:-) — 07/02/2011
falguni shah — india — Hi all,
Its very good site to learn english. I want to learn much more through this site. — 07/02/2011
Mary — Brasil — I've liked this site so much. It helps a lot! — 07/02/2011
Jeab Yusawai — Thailand — Thanks a lot to have such a wonderful website like this. Not only it is helpful for teachers and students, but it also get updtaed all the time. — 09/02/2011
Mahboobe Zamiri — Iran — Hi,as an English teacher I found your website very useful to improve my English,so amusing to spend my free time and very helpful in my career.:-) — 09/02/2011
amir — iran — good lock. — 10/02/2011
LINDA ALFRED — India — as an english teacher, i found ur web site very interesting n informative. linda — 10/02/2011
Brigitte Adler — Deutschland — Hello, I like this website so much!It offers a lot of good ideas to improve my English. Thanks.
— 11/02/2011
CHIC — HK — i love this website so much the teaching is very very helpful.... help me solve a lot of english problems
and the explaination is easy to get understand and clear guidance. ;-);-);-);-);-);-);-);-);-);-);-) — 11/02/2011
Jorge Eduardo Gonçales — Brazil — :-D My teacher adviced me to visit this web site. I thank her about this, because it's very nice. In my opinon all of you should get better share it.;-) — 11/02/2011
mike page — united states — hi there nice site — 12/02/2011
David B. — USA — In your Parts of Speech Spreadsheet: In the Adjectives column of example words, we see [a/an,the, 69, some, . .]   What exactly does "69" describe and why is it in the spreadsheet for example words?  Otherwise, this is a terrific aid for teaching.  Thanks.  David. — 12/02/2011
Brian Paige — UK — Great site. Very useful for teachers too. For DAVID below my guess is that 69 is there because it's a number and numbers are adjectives. — 13/02/2011
lailama — Iran — it is very good:-D — 13/02/2011
Pheakdey — I like this website so much — 14/02/2011
Dee — Indonesia — I read your website everyday... I think it's really great, especially for someone who wants to learn English...:-) — 14/02/2011
Sherese — Jamaica — Love your website.  I would like your permission to reproduce your map of invasion of Britain. — 15/02/2011
Arthur — Hi, nice to come here.
Will anybody tell how long does an account approval last usually? Thx in advance — 17/02/2011
lestary wahyuni — Indonesia — I like this site, through this i can learn English to better :-) — 18/02/2011
amit yadav — india — it is  great work  done by dneil emmerson  for people of world who are beginner and teacher . B-) — 20/02/2011
Milad — Iran — hey every1.it'll be great using this site to improve our English,it's so useful.Have fun;-) — 20/02/2011
Yana — Russia — Hi!Nice to meet you,you have a great website! I'm really happy to join you!
— 20/02/2011
foxy — egypt — hi,i really like this site.. it is a useful site to beginner and professionals thanks — 22/02/2011
Ray Perez — Mexico — Hello everyone, I like English Club because We can learn together interacting with some peopel of the all world. Congrats Everybody and go ahead.:-) — 22/02/2011
Wahid  — Pakistan — Hi,Its really a GOOD site and a spectacular platform for those who want to learn English with a strong base.:-) — 23/02/2011
emad salah — egypt — I really need to improve my languge skiils — 23/02/2011
Vivien — Cambodia — :-D i like this web very much.. So Really Really happy to there.. Cos i can study english by myself.. — 24/02/2011
koter — müll — :-):-):-):-):-) FFFFFAAAAAIIIIILLL — 24/02/2011
jasmine — indonesia — :-D like this web so much, although i'm still new here.. — 24/02/2011
Muwan - (Chandrawansa Muwanwella) — LK — It is good to see at least one guest from my country, Sri Lanka,has sign the guest book. Loads of money is being spent by the parents in my country to teach English to their children. I suggest everyone to follow this website very closely as there are loads of information.;-) — 25/02/2011
romeo — uae — I've very this site useful very useful and educational.It is fun learning english even this is not my native languages.With all the informations i downloaded is a good references  for me to upgrade my grammar, idioms , phrasal words as well , which i could use in my conversational english to my colleagu and foreigner friends — 26/02/2011
HAMDY ALYOUSEF — SAUDI ARABIA — Thank you for the efforts you done for this great website. — 27/02/2011
jolia turc — Algéria — thenk's for the best.
— 27/02/2011
Mohammed Sedrati — Morocco — Talk are cheap did are dear ;-) — 01/03/2011
moheb ayad — egypt — i am, happy t do that — 02/03/2011
groti — slovenia — NICE!!!!!
;-) — 06/03/2011
ladan — iran — :-) — 07/03/2011
teeyas — indonesia — r u good in speak english....?  sooo 
i'd like learn frm u.  :-P — 07/03/2011
Irenita — Malasia — :-D One of the best sites I´ve seen! Keep up the good work! — 07/03/2011
ADEYEMI OLUWAKEMI STEPHEN — Nigeria — this is cool i hope to visit again — 09/03/2011
Cristinalavenedrpink — United States — Hey;-) — 09/03/2011
Cristinalavenderpink — United States — HEY I'm Cristinalavenederpink & I'm new  just stared today=) — 09/03/2011
Vina — Indonesia — hii, i am new comer, please help me to learn english ;-) — 10/03/2011
selamawit assefa — Ethiopia — Hi everone my name is selamawit and I want to develop my English language I want you help friends ;-) — 10/03/2011
Peggy wang — China — Hello,I am peggy,nice to meet you. — 12/03/2011
Abdurrohman — Indonesia — Hai..I am Rahman..I'd like to improve my english...looking for friendship with everyone from every country... — 12/03/2011
eveline — 12 — I WANT TO BE BETTER AT ENGLISH HELP ME:-D B-) — 12/03/2011
REEDAN — hi iam first year student. iam studing english and i want to improve my english and gets some friends to help me — 12/03/2011
zanis — Baltic States — :-D Hello everyone! — 12/03/2011
ramin — Iran — hi I am ramin I want to speak with the people who are here to improve my speaking please help me — 12/03/2011
memo — egypt — i`m in a deadly need to be connected with all people on the site to practice speaking and listening with them ,please help me !:-o — 14/03/2011
genuis masinda — DRC — HELLO,I'm very happy to see you all,God bless you. — 14/03/2011
HUGOR MASINDA — DRC — hi,I want you to be my friend,and practice this language together. — 14/03/2011
Rebecca — China — Hello there ! I do hope improve English with all of you. — 15/03/2011
elif — turkey — Hi..I'm elif from Turkey .. I really need to improve my english ... Please help me .:) — 15/03/2011
mahdi — iran — Hi my chum i hope my message find you well i would be glad if u would mind help me to improving my english skills. tanks in advance — 16/03/2011
omar — yemen — :-):-):-):-) — 18/03/2011
OMAR — THAT IS VERY FUNNYB-) — 18/03/2011
Rebecca — China — All of us need help,but who give a hand... — 18/03/2011
Baikuntha Silwal — US — this is really useful and simple to learn.
— 19/03/2011
kenji — Vietnam — :-D — 21/03/2011
zubair — pakistan — hi everyone: i have no words to explain,,,but its very good site for those who are eager to learn english. — 22/03/2011
Aboo-bakr Saddiq Ahmed — Nigeria — I appreciate your efforts toward providing an avenue of English learning . — 22/03/2011
Chuoy Yin — Cambodia — B-) Thank so much to all in the groups for your pretty good jobs and endeavors. I appreciate the usefulness of this site to the learners and especially youngsters of the whole wide world as in Cambodia. — 24/03/2011
Natalia Savinova — Syria — Hello  for  everyone! Web-site  is  really great. Thank you ! I am  looking  forward to  being  fluent in English. :-) — 24/03/2011
Wilson — Brasil — Hi everybody, I appreciated very much to be in this web-site for improve my English, and make new friends: — 25/03/2011
Katerina — Kazakhstan — Thank you very much for this excellent site!It helps me to improve my English skills.:-) I enjoy spending time here and making new friends — 26/03/2011
pawan kumar — India — :-D hello friends plz guide me .... how can i start  — 26/03/2011
Olga — Ukraine — Interesting site and it will be even more interesting if no mistakes are published - in Quotes/Last words (or smth like that) - "Et tu, Brute?" - Shakespeare!?? , I guess even children in the kindergarten know the words belong to smb else, this quote is published in Shakespeare's play, yes, but not Shakespeare's last words. Be more accurate with the information, I did not mention the author of the words purposefully, at least those who are interested we'll check, I hope so. — 27/03/2011
Maria — USA — Wonderful website - thanks so much. It helps me in my teaching.
@Olga (below) - why don't you read the "Et tu, Brute?" page a little more carefully? But I'm sure most people who read that page understand it. :) — 29/03/2011
Ahmed Omar — Egypt — thank you very much for this amazing site — 29/03/2011
Olga — Ukraine — Dear Maria, of course I am not a native speaker, specially for you I copied what is mentioned in Quotes page: "A quote (or "quotation") is usually a short text - perhaps one or two sentences - written or spoken by one (usually famous) person and often repeated or at least known by others." Drawing again your attention to "written or spoken": so, if you insist that 'Et tu, Brute' is Shakespeare, OK, my first idea when I saw it,was that the site is American, yes, it's good and useful, but not flawless. Still interesting - do you know WHO told those words?:-D — 31/03/2011
Maria — USA — @Olga - Yes, the words are not those of Shakespeare on his death bed, but he wrote them in his play Julius Caesar. It would therefore be wrong to say that they are Julius Caesar's last words. The page explains it well:
"These words come from Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, which includes the Roman ruler Caesar's murder by a group of senators in 44 BCE. The senators were led by Marcus Brutus (Brute), who had been a close friend of Caesar. The Latin "Et tu, Brute?" may be translated literally as "And you, Brutus?", or more loosely as "You too, Brutus?" or "Even you, Brutus?" In the play, Caesar utters these words and resigns himself to death when he sees that even his closest friend is among the conspirators. To this extent, the term has come to symbolize the epitome of betrayal, and perhaps resignation or acceptance.
History does not record with certainty Caesar's actual last words. Shakespeare used these words for dramatic effect, though the phrase was current at the time and had been used in previous plays by other writers. But whatever Caesar may or may not have said on the occasion, his death heralded the historically significant transition from Roman republic to Roman empire." — 31/03/2011
Olga — Ukraine — Good job, Maria! Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, just if the statement is wrong - it is WRONG. Shakespeare repeated the legend which was described by antique hitorians. Have a look at Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus «De vita Caesarum», Plutarch etc. Believe me, I do not insist on changing your mind, there's nothing to discuss. Cheers! — 31/03/2011
Sagar H. Mali — India — B-)I'm very happy now due to your site only. It given a lot of tips to me for cracking the interview.....ThanX once again... — 01/04/2011
pavlinka — hello, everybody — 01/04/2011
sinyee — malaysia — ;-)this is a great website! — 06/04/2011
Bonnie — USA — ;-)Thank you for this great resource! — 06/04/2011
Reza Ghatok — Bangladesh — I think English Club is a great place to learn English quickly. I also recommend this site for my angel Maya who is a teacher at American International School, here at Dhaka.:-D — 07/04/2011
Vanessa — USA — I think English Club is the best for learning English.I recommend it to all english learners like me because it's a great resource.:-) — 07/04/2011
mesfin assfaw — Ethiopia — friend relation I actually  communicate — 08/04/2011
Mary Joy Artazo — Philippines — No word ever express how thankful I am to EnglishClub.com. I learnt so many things about English... :-D — 08/04/2011
Natalia — Syria —  Hello  for  everyone! How  awesome to  have EnglishClub! I  wish I was fluent in English ! Thank  you!;-) — 08/04/2011
Israa al-natour — lebanon — I just want to thank you for the informations I had required from englishclub:-) — 13/04/2011
Ayhan — Turkey — I thing that if I start to chat in this site, my english language seriously go to advanced english. Now I wait for my chat in this site...
Ayhan — 14/04/2011
xuexuexue — china — ;-)hieverybody — 16/04/2011
M.S.Khan — Pakistan — I think EC is providing us a lot of oppotunities to learn english in a best way , i m thankful to this club — 17/04/2011
A MEMBER — 17/04/2011
akash — australia — ;-) hi there i am so thankful to you that today i read all the vocablury from your website and revise my grammer stuff thank u so much i was just looking for verbs and adjectives to increase my word power and u help me a lot .. god bless u ..:-D
— 18/04/2011
Anuradha singh — India — Hello Friends, I am a new Member of English club. Friends I want to improve my Talking skill in English, SO please help me. — 21/04/2011
Anah(HANA)Siddiqui... — Saudi Arabia — ;-):-):-D:-P yeah ENGLISH CLUB .... rock on... its really a very good site to learn english by commenting on forums making friends and chatting....... thank u EC .... — 21/04/2011
chandan kumar singh — india —  i want to speak english in a fluent way and i also want to break my heizitation cocmplite bcz due to english language i got a lot 's of problem :-D — 22/04/2011
Bill Rowley — USA — I want to learn to speak better English — 24/04/2011
Erica — City —
I want to inform that I came back to continue my Eng. learning. Thank you to English Club. for everything it has done for me and others... Erica ;-):-):-) — 25/04/2011
mshaer — Riyadh — I Want learn English ,speak  Fluent — 27/04/2011
Alexey — Russia — Such a great website! It helps me so much to learn English! Thanks a lot! I'm rather new here and I hope to find a lot of new friends, who learn English like me:-) — 28/04/2011
Harmony — Estonia — you really help me  think you keep the good work ! — 01/05/2011
Matius Sulan Rea — Indonesia — Hope that by joining this club I can speak English fluently and make me easier to communicate more and more people all over the world. thanks to all the member and the staff of this program.God bless you. Sure that this program will help billions of people. English club will be forever. — 06/05/2011
Maii — Egypt — I am happy that I'll speak English fluently because I am very shy to speak English with others that's my next goal :-) — 06/05/2011
jagtar singh — india — ;-) — 08/05/2011
leahruth — Philippines  — :-[] thank you, your site has been helping me teach english to my korean student, very easy  — 09/05/2011
usaimean said — Maldives — be the leader :-) — 12/05/2011
Uljalgas — Kazakhstan — ;-)hi! thank you so much! — 18/05/2011
GOUBA Richard — Burkina Faso — How so happy to be here! Englishclub website is the best and effective learning web site I have ever had. Tools and teaching methodes are amasing. It has made me impove alot. Now I would like to make friends then to have real speaking.    — 18/05/2011
sara — iran — im a new member of this site,i hope my english language will be better,i like to learn english for communicatig with other person in all the world.:-) — 19/05/2011
Nick Gertz — USA — Great site! Very informative!!  — 19/05/2011
Enkhmandakh — Mongolia — :-P hello everybody. I'm part of yours. just desiring to learn english the best. nice to meet you guys... — 21/05/2011
Hassan — Kenya — I just want to improve my english so I be able to speak fluently. — 21/05/2011
Nor Baharum — Malaysia — Hi I just signed up a couple of minutes ago. I aim to learn and teach English with confidence and enhance my communication skill.  — 22/05/2011
ali — iran — i visit here many times.in enjoy the variety of matterials available here.the help me alot in teaching the students in  a much useful way — 22/05/2011
sheraz — pakistan — hiiiiiiii i love english club.com,its the accurat way to find something about english learning — 24/05/2011
Harini — INDONESIA — By joining this media I want to learn and improve my English:-) — 25/05/2011
Maria Louisa Saavedra — Philippines —  I am so excited about this site. I want to learn English Accurately.
— 28/05/2011
Lina tuy — Cambodia — I am so excited about this site. I want to learn english accurately. — 31/05/2011
ahmad — iran — :D — 01/06/2011
leila — iran — hi — 02/06/2011
Jhaleh leilyabady — Iran — The emails are great for me.. thanks for your emails.. — 03/06/2011
tony — china — i am quality engineer for electric household appliance, i want to improve my english skill.:-O — 04/06/2011
Asim Mohamed  — Sundan — Im very happy to join this bueautiful site, Ilove this site very much and ask my friends to join it so as to learn inglish language. thanks to site managers and goodluck. — 04/06/2011
Golnaz Hashemian — It is one of the best websites I have ever seen. I really appreciate it. By the way, many thanks in advance for your helpful e-mails.:-) — 04/06/2011
Dicky — indonesia — i wanna improve my english. so i joined here, but the admin has not approve my joining request. :-( i'm waiting. .:-D — 05/06/2011
srinivasarao — india — I am very much interested to learn english and want to become master at my work — 06/06/2011
Tony Carson — Argentina — I am getting fond of your English Club.com. I am a freshly-made english teacher (although I'm 56) and I usually enter your page to search for reference or to gather grammar information. I am from B.A. Argentina  regards to all. — 06/06/2011
Garin Li — China — I am delighted to find the wonderful site to study english and get english improvement.
Based on the viewing of the englishclub.com, I believe that it can give much help to my english. — 07/06/2011
Moldiv — Indonesia — Let me study english,,, wiyh you.......... — 07/06/2011
pattpim — Thailand — Yes,EC is the perfect place for learning English, and I'm the one of learner who want to improve english for working. — 07/06/2011
gohar — pakistan — i m wanted to speek english  — 07/06/2011
liaqat ali — afghanistan — hello to englishclub.com  my name is liaqat ali i am from afghanistan i love english language. so i hope that i learn   english language as soon as passable.i found this site a few days ago. when i found this site, then every time that i found time at firs i open this site. thank you englishclub.com   :-D:-[]:-OB-) — 07/06/2011
Flores Flora — Bronx —
 I want to thank English Club for letting to be part of The Club.:-);-) — 07/06/2011
risya hs — indonesia — I'd like to  join this club. Is it possible? I believe that I can get many advantages by joining this club. Thanks a lot. — 08/06/2011
yossy wahyu indrawan — Indonesia — Hello,... I do wanna practice my english. Hopefully It will come true by joining englishclub.   — 08/06/2011
Ingrid — Peru — Hello, I would love to practice my english with EnglishClub :)  — 10/06/2011
farid — Afghanistan — I love My.English club.com to much , when I joined this site for the first time , I couldn't able to speak English very well. but,now I can. 
Farid Ahmad Afghan — 13/06/2011
Luzolo Nsilu Bobhotstuff — R D Congo — Hello, I thank you all so much about idioms, slangs and grammar lessons I received from English Club. I really want to know how I can request some books. — 14/06/2011
BatulHussain — India — itzzz awesum!!!!!!! — 16/06/2011
sudeera balasooriya — Sri Lanka — this i s very wonderful site i have ever seen. — 20/06/2011
ratno — indonesia — This is really a very useful web. But, but could you add reading comprehensive materials because I don't find enough reading material. thanks — 23/06/2011
martolop sinambela — indonesia — i love you english club — 26/06/2011
Aparna — India — excellent club — 27/06/2011
Benno — Deutschland — B-)A friendly Hello to everybody! Today is my first time for writing here. I´m looking for some opportunity to speak and to hear - and to understand of course. Meanwhile I tried to refresh my English, now it is time to use it!

— 27/06/2011
Thanh — VietNam — Hello! I've just visited this website today and be interested in some main section. I will spend 1 hour per day to learn English in this page. I looked for many English website but could not find a favourite site like this, hope to find more interesting to learn. I appreciate if you have shared with me more interesting information in this site Thank you very much Thanh — 28/06/2011
Sonia Bojorquez — Mexico —   Congratulations!
This is an awesome  site for students and teachers.
— 28/06/2011
cintia — Brasil — this website is awesome.Its very helpful to find a web guide for learning english, too diferent of english websites in my country thanks a lot and congratulations on your great job!!! greeting from Brasil!! — 28/06/2011
dith pat — philippines — just ound this site, and i want to improve my english — 28/06/2011
Júlio Jossias Ngomane — Mozambique — It is a pleasure to learn more from you. I have been waiting for thiis timeliness. — 30/06/2011
Jane Marple — England — Wonderful Site! I simply love english! — 30/06/2011
jadoon — pakistan — i would like to learn english and make new friends from all parts of the world. Hope this would be very helpful. — 01/07/2011
Eric Hao — CHINA — :-( who can reply me? I want to join in English club,but my application has waited for a day. — 02/07/2011
Amin Shirvani far — Iran — :-( Please help me. I can't sign in or my registration process not finished yet. — 02/07/2011
Eric Hao — CHINA — please approve my membership,thank you very much — 04/07/2011
eva-ginger — belarus — i can't register for several weeks =( please, help — 04/07/2011
Sabina — I want to improve my  english!!!!!
— 05/07/2011
patience — Hi my name is patience I you to help me I can reader good please help — 06/07/2011
Destiny — South Korea — ;-) Hello. I want to improve my English! I hope that this webpage helps to increase my English skills! — 06/07/2011
Naeli — Indonesia — hello, world !!
I am from Indonesia and now I'm studying International Relation. I really want to improve my english with all of you and I hope someday I could studying abroad :) — 07/07/2011
rylie — malaysia — :-P;-):-D hellow!! ~i think that i was good in english..but i was wrong..my eassay sucks...that is why i want to improve my eassay..wish me luck!!~~:-D:-P — 08/07/2011
sabrina — algeria — hi:-)                                               am an english teacher I need to improve my english languange to give the best to my pupils ;-) — 10/07/2011
Elizaveta — Russia — I'm very thankful to EnglishClub.com, it helps me greatly in my studying! 'PV of the Day' is especially needful, I've improved my vocabulary and speaking skills  :-) 7 secrets also helped me to feel much more confident, I keep at it
Thank You! — 13/07/2011
Mean Touch — Cambodia — I want to speak English clear.:-P — 14/07/2011
Sona — Armenia — I really like ENGLISH CLUB,I think it'll help me to improve my English !!!! ;-) — 15/07/2011
Cecilia — Philippines — I know how to speak English but I want to learn about verbs, subjects, passive and active voice and etc.  I want to learn more of it. — 15/07/2011
jasmin — hi ,thanks English  club, it helped me improve my english:) — 20/07/2011
pattrice — philippines — thanks:-D — 20/07/2011
carolina — philippines — your site helps me in preparing my lessons in the school.;-) — 20/07/2011
Vera — Carbon — HEllo, Josef! I am Vera Hale from Rawlins, Wyoming. I am working on my project - I would like to start an ESL club for my ESL students, their parents, and eveyone in our community whose native language is not English. It is how I found your website. My idea is not just to teach English language, but also US history, laws, traditions,  songs and so on. As a components of ESL club - ESL summer camp for kids and students, ESL classes for parents... What do you think? Vera
— 22/07/2011
ningrum — indonesia — learning english needs a lot of practice, english club is my window to practice..:-D thank you EC — 23/07/2011
chami Lungen — India — i am very new to this site,this is my first experience,howerver i am in love with it right away...thanx  — 27/07/2011
vijay — India — it is a fruitfull experience to share in this winodow — 27/07/2011
Karla — México — I´m learning English very well, it´s an excellente page!:-) — 27/07/2011
Hussein Ali Barre — Somalia — I would  to  receive  intermediate  grammar course by  online. — 29/07/2011
kishore kumar — india — its very easy to learn english with the help of this site — 30/07/2011
ahmad agus salim — indonesia — I like this club — 30/07/2011
 pattrice — philippines — :-D ;-)    tnx the englishclub is helpful — 30/07/2011
Muthia Amanda — Indonesia — Englishclub.com helps me to improve my english :-)
-Muthia from Jakarta, Indonesia- — 31/07/2011
Elvin Fathonah — Indonesia — :-) I like it .It helps anyone who needs english. thank you 
— 01/08/2011
gunel — azerbaijan — thanks for everything — 01/08/2011
mohapi — south africa — Hello, everyone,  iam new here,and I would like to learn more. Mohapi, south africa.   — 02/08/2011
Rosita — Italy — Hi everybody!!!! I'm very happy to be here. I don't have the possibility to go abroad, so I finally found a virtual place where I can practice my English!!!! I'm a teacher of English, but I have still a lot to learn!!! — 04/08/2011
mustafa — sudan — i am very happy to know for this work  — 04/08/2011
edy — Indonesia — i hope a lot from this site to get any information and learn a lot of english. BIG thanks for English Club ! ;-) — 05/08/2011
LiLi — iran — How wonderful !! I fear to start learn english before i met this site, but now i start to learning it interestingly! i visit it more than 2 times in a day :-D, i have a suggestion: please increase the number of words of the day. i want to learn this language as fast as i can. ;-) — 06/08/2011
nina — INdonesia — Hallo everyone.... :-D :-) ;-) nice to join this site i can't wait something new for my english — 09/08/2011
abhi vashishta — HEY NINA   — 09/08/2011
Andrew Huang — R.O.C — I'm a beginner in learning English. your comments will be appreciated. — 09/08/2011
mr.shwetin — myanmar — Hello,Everyone,I am new here.I want to learn English. — 10/08/2011
Luisa — México — Hello every one, I had found this site a long time ago, and I always read some links, but I did not have time to participate. I really want to learn English and this site is very helpfully. Thanks a lot for all.
Keep in touch Maria Luisa — 10/08/2011
René — Mexico — Hi all
I think this is a very good site. Very helpful. Everybody interested in English should check it out and take advantage of this free website. Good luck — 10/08/2011
Deen — Thailand — Hi,I am Deen.I am new here.How wonderful of me!...I really like to practice my English everyday.So,this is a chance of me that I can learn English with anyone else on this site...see you....:-) — 16/08/2011
aditya sahasrabudhe — india — i just want to say i thing about myself that my identity is incomplete and in just trying to accomplish my goal! "speech is silver but silence is golden!" i trying hard to ascertain the truth of my life so as to SUCCEED! i have some1 who is there with me everytime and i know 1 day i will surely do the needy! this is my usual  self!
— 16/08/2011
aditya sahasrabudhe — india — I just want to say i thing about myself that my identity is incomplete and im j trying to accomplish my goal! "speech is silver but silence is golden!" im trying hard to ascertain the truth of my life so as to SUCCEED! i have some1 who is there with me every time and i know 1 day i will surely do the needy! this is my usual self! — 16/08/2011
marcela — Czech republic — Hi my name is Marcela. I want to learn English. I enjoy this website.:-) — 17/08/2011
ali klc — iran — hi.this is a niceweb site and it is along time that i vist here  many times during every week but i hope the web site offers more fun — 18/08/2011
suzanna — iran — Hello im a new member i like to learn english very much.im so happy hear. — 18/08/2011
reza — iran — I think it s good — 19/08/2011
Karina Amelia — Indonesia — Thank you to former of english club  :-) — 19/08/2011
Hermin — Indonesia — Hello everyone, i'm hermin n like to join in EnglishClub.com. I'd like to improve my English through this place. :-) — 19/08/2011
twana — Iraq — i want to improve my english — 23/08/2011
René — México — The more I use this site to study, the more I like it. It´s easy to learn the language with the good explanations and good contents, and exercises. I have studied English for a long time, but I still have a lot to learn, and this site is very helpful. Hoping that the people in charge of this website read the guestbook, I have a suggestion. They should have a section of word building, prefixes and suffixes. That would be very helpful, mainly for advanced students. Great website though!  Congrats and regards from Guadalajara Mexico!  — 23/08/2011
sina — iran — hi friends — 23/08/2011
grace — philippines — :-) i am very glad i found this site. now, improving in using english language is a grasp of hand. thank you! — 24/08/2011
zahra — iran — thanks for your website,iam happy — 29/08/2011
Lien.Song — China — I am very happy to be here, and would like to make friends with those who want to share interesting thing to others. Probably, this platform can help people from different place to commumnicate. — 29/08/2011
kasin — canada — hello, everyone.im kasin from hong kong i'd like to learn english right now..  i wish i can find some ppl to teach me more n make a firend.. we can exchange language .. ;-);-);-) — 30/08/2011
ibrahim  — Iran — i would like to have audio english  — 30/08/2011
kiesta — mada — I'm not very fluent in english, but it is the most language i love. I want to be like native speakers. I believe i will be like them. Nowadays, we can help each other to reach this goal. Thank you in advance! Sincerely!
— 30/08/2011
Rebecca — China — I am not good at pronunciation . I do hope you can help me and give suggestion. — 01/09/2011
Naile — Azerbaijan — i am 13. i want to learn english very well. My level is pre-intermediate.:-) — 03/09/2011
Cristina — United Kingdom — Hello everyone....I am a English student, my level is upper intermediate- advanced. If there is anyone that needs help in improving his English, maybe I can help. I am willing to offer my support for 2-4 hours pw. Just let me know... — 04/09/2011
Rebecca — China — Hello Cristina ï¼ I need your help to improve my english.Skype is rebecca19900407... — 05/09/2011
hiba adil tag elasfia — sudan — iwant to learning english — 07/09/2011
ali ihsan — turkey — hello guys , i want to improve my english    and i have a skype adress too. 'shadowlord357' is my skype nick , its so funny name i know , but i take this adress 4 years ago :D now i am 18 years old so , if u want improve your english too u can add me :) ( sorrry for my all mistakes :) have a nice day ! :) — 07/09/2011
nura — turkey — hello everyone. I want to improve my english. my spkype nura_312 please help me:) — 09/09/2011
allan — Philippines — Hi, good day to everyone, I hope that somebody will be my friend here in EnglishClub.com because it is my opportunity to enhance and improve my ability in English language, I hope you will be the one who help me..Thanks and God's speed.. — 15/09/2011
Mr. KaRaM — Palestine — Hey everybody,,,, I am an English teacher, my level is advanced. I can give a hand to anyone who wants to improve his english language, maybe I can help. I am willing to offer my support for hours. Just let me know...
— 16/09/2011
hamid — iran — i'd like learn english can you help me ? i'm elementery . — 17/09/2011
Sasha — Russia — Hello!I`m from Rissia and I find friend for contact.  — 21/09/2011
Carmen Gloria Cruz — Chile — I love the idea to learn english on line.  I need to improve my vocabulary and writing. :-) Very happy to have found this site. — 21/09/2011
krishna — india — ;-)HI,world this krishna very new to this site — 22/09/2011
Mayya — Indonesia — I want to sign up, but cannot find the right answer for a question: what does englishclub.com help you learn? :-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-( — 28/09/2011
jagaa — Mongolia — Hello! Mr Essberger. First of all I want to say THANK YOU.I've learnt too much from your site and decide to open an English only cafe in my country. And I wanted to ask you if I can use the name "JOE'S CAFE" with the picture off an egg. Welcome to my cafe if you visit Mongolia someday. — 29/09/2011
Klinsman Hinjaya — Indonesia — I have visited this website not too many times, but I've found this website is really great!! :-D And, I am sure to return to it again and again! :-D — 29/09/2011
Doeun Chandara — Cambodia  — :-D This web site 4 good everybody wanna improve English. — 01/10/2011
khadija titrit — morocco — I have used this web site for adice of friend i realy enjoy study on it. it can help me for take my EFL — 03/10/2011
Mohammad Kavoshnia — Iran —    I want to improve my English  knowledge. — 04/10/2011
Julianne — United States — hi~ I'm Korean. I wanna make a good friends. welcome! — 07/10/2011
sara kudamasa — indonesia — i'm verry happy visit on this website. I can know many information about english education. i hope this website will help me someday.. than'x ;) — 09/10/2011
Sam — Yemen — Sam is greeting all this site useres.
cheers — 10/10/2011
gayathri — canada — i just wanted to get better in grammer:-( — 17/10/2011
Maiwand masoud — afghanistan — :-)I like it-. — 20/10/2011
Maiwand masoud — afghanistan — :-)I love English Club. It helps me learn English.  — 20/10/2011
yanbin wang — China — ;-),looking for a friend, Maiwand masoud who comes from kabul. afghanistan, I want to know more about your country, I had read the book "The kite runner". — 21/10/2011
musarat — pakistan — I Love English Culb. — 22/10/2011
maiwand — afghanistan — Dear yanbin, Thank i will send you some short and important information about afghanistan please find me on facebook (maiwand maseed (waziristani):-) — 23/10/2011
M Almas Mohmand — Afghanistan — tanx and many tanx from this site coz i learned more things in english from this site — 23/10/2011
Cheryl S Fraser — Canada — :-D ok I don't need to learn English but I happened along this site looking for something else and I just wanted to know it is oozing with positivity and B-) light. It made me so happy to be on your page. Loved song and the slide show! If there is any way I can help promote you let me know!  — 25/10/2011
mohammad muqeem  — afghanistan — :-)I love English club! — 26/10/2011
Jenny Suarez — United States — I need to learn inglish — 27/10/2011
Wina — Bali — Thanks for EC- I hope my English is improving soon.. ;-) — 01/11/2011
burhanul aqli — indonesia — so happy for encountering you...now i can learn english easily, thanks a lot:-D — 01/11/2011
badr — yamen — :-( — 03/11/2011
Freddy P.Sidagambir — INDONESIA — Thanks for the all programs in this web,,, I can improve my english,,,especially about LISTENING and GRAMmar.... thank. — 04/11/2011
anil ramrao yadav — India — :-)Its too good to learn  english. — 07/11/2011
maynor salcedo guzman — Nicaragua — ;-) I really enjoy teaching and there's a lot of english tools that provide this page for my porpuses.. thanks a lot and get it on!!! — 10/11/2011
Maguette Niang — I feel like a kid in a candyshop.I Can't get enough. I want it all. Thanks a lot. — 10/11/2011
sayed Rawy — Egypt — :-O I like English  so much ,I like to speak English as native speakers and also make my students do that. — 11/11/2011
Luiz Otavio de Faria Rosa — Brazil — :-) I want to learn english. I can it. Luiz Otavio. Nice to meet you! — 11/11/2011
Acacio — Brazil — I´d like to thank you because this site has helped me a lot to learn the English language. I wish you every success!!! — 12/11/2011
abdirashid — somaliland — i like to learn english club — 15/11/2011
Purba — Indonesia — THANK YOU! It really helps a lot, as an English teacher — 17/11/2011
poornachandran.k — INDIA — Don't worry be HAPPY — 19/11/2011
Ali Teguh — indonesia — i am as an English teacher say big thank to English Club.com because it really help me in learning and teaching English....... — 21/11/2011
Luiz Otavio de Faria Rosa — Brazil — "The wise man speaks because he has something to say; the fool, because he has to say something" — 21/11/2011
cici — Indonesia — so helpful and joyful;-) — 23/11/2011
shahrul hisham bin sahid — wilayah persekutuan — This site is very good to anybody to improve the english language. Thanks a lot. — 25/11/2011
ali — Your web site helped me alot on ESL interview and still learning from it. — 27/11/2011
SYAFIQAH — MALAYSIA — :-) PEACE — 28/11/2011
reda — saudi arabia — i hope to speak english as anative speaker . itis my dream . — 28/11/2011
TARIQUE ANWER — INDIA — At first i would like to say  thanks the site developer and designer who thought about the people to enhance their communication skill  in this world with this site & .....they gave an oppurtunity to everyone to use contents in proper way .......this is absolutely fine to learn each terms of english and be a good speaket,listener,as well as writer....thanks alot I have learned alo of thing from this site felt cmfort in english.... — 29/11/2011
evandro  — brazil — this site is great,I think a better site for english learner.  — 30/11/2011
meysam agazadeh  par — Iran — tremendous!

  — 01/12/2011

kaela — kj — like it :-P:-[]B-):-O:-o:-(:-D:-);-):-P — 02/12/2011
salman — Iran — B-) — 05/12/2011
Susni — Montreal — :-P you are cool — 10/12/2011
SAMAH — :-) HELLO FOR EVERY ONE. — 10/12/2011
duck — duck  :-D — 13/12/2011
tinygrass — china — happy day.;-) — 15/12/2011
Le — Brasil — :-) This site is amazing! a great tool to learn English. — 22/12/2011
VIBHA BHARTI — India — Nice site............:-) — 23/12/2011