EnglishClub Guestbook 2010

Ian — China — Thank you. I like EC. — 15/04/2010
LEK — Thailand — Very nice:-D i happy to learning English here — 15/04/2010
Paul — Poland — I like to learn english and like to have many friends of other contries for friendship. Please send me email for writing and friendship. Thanx — 20/04/2010
Guechlang — Cambodia — :-PHi everyone nice to be your new friend — 21/04/2010
aicha benouddane — algeria — :-):-):-):-):-D — 21/04/2010
Vibol — Cambodia — I would like to learn how to teach English, and I want to learn more about English writing — 24/04/2010
geo oner — USA — hello there  — 24/04/2010
Omprakash Raiswal — india —  english speking — 28/04/2010
Manikandeswaran — India — Hi i want fluent speak.Can anybody help me? — 28/04/2010
Nonie — USA — I'm available to help those who wish to improve their English. — 28/04/2010
khin khin soe — myanmar — I want to speak in english.I am really interested in english. — 01/05/2010
sugeng — Indonesia — Nice to join this club. hopefully my english will be better by having so many friends all over the world — 04/05/2010
mohamed — algers — i  would like to learne english:oops: — 06/05/2010
Ehsanullah — Afganistan — Hello there. i am very thanks full from English club.com .and the helped me to learn enghlish. thankssss :-D — 07/05/2010
Taj — uk — Hi,my problem is I cant speak english, but I can under stand.I think I need confidence. somebody can help me plase?:-)Than you — 07/05/2010
kinfe belay — ethiopian — Be happy B-) — 10/05/2010
Jerianne — Amaraca — kides at school mack fune of my englich I have autim my spelling in not vary good but I try to comunicat but not al get therou then i youse sign lang to talk — 11/05/2010
Mazen — Egypt — English club is one of my favorite sites on the web, my first visit was about 5 years ago. — 11/05/2010
ravi — India — hellow everyone. I can speak some english but not fluently. i am trying to improve my english speaking. All are welcome for conversation.   — 12/05/2010
Herudoang — Indonesia — The frist time i get this web i am so happey because with this english club can improve my english n have many freand in other country n i hopefull we study together for increst our english n finlly i hope some one want to help me  — 14/05/2010
hi  — nepal — i  wann to learn english — 15/05/2010
Murad — Uzbekistan — i want to thank for this web-site. it`s very useful to learn english but it has not very interesting chat part.  — 15/05/2010
Priya Deshpande — India — :-)Hi I enjoy going through the lessons and the English club activities. The 7 secret is simple but useful, it gives me a different perspective to understand and teach students with learning disability. — 16/05/2010
Waleed — Jordan — I will try to make my English well but that hard i know ' but i wil try for ever — 22/05/2010
ali  — Iran — hi is everyone online? — 23/05/2010
Kieu Hong Son — Vietnam — thank you very much!;-) — 23/05/2010
maher  alnahmi — yemen — Ilike speak english and get many things about real lif
— 29/05/2010
krizzy — philippines — I'd like to have a new friends who can speak fluent in english. I'd like to know more.. — 31/05/2010
rakesh — india — hopefully my english will be bette — 01/06/2010
Qbe — Bermuda — B-)Great site for all English requiremente and verb lists. Thanks. — 01/06/2010
Prakash — Nepal — Speak english — 01/06/2010
tiffany — I like this club!I think ,it's helpfull for my English — 05/06/2010
viko kelana — Indonesia — TGIF (Thanks God I Found) this very good site. Please add the lesson about 'run our own small business or enterpreneurship' and 'salesmanship' it would be very useful for us. — 06/06/2010
yusuf khan — uae — thank u ec i m enjoying — 07/06/2010
Deepak Kr. Shaw — India — i WOULD LIKE THANK TO ALL MEMBERS i think this is a great website for new comer who want to learn english spoken. — 08/06/2010
mary — love only 4 u guys for your wonderful site;-) — 10/06/2010
HESHAM GALFAT — LIBYA — Never thanks God who never thanks People, I really appreciate who are growing up this Edifice.   — 17/06/2010
muhammad yousaf — pakistan — i would like thanks to all member i think is a great website for new corner who want to learn english spoken.then the new corner will begger they will thanks to all spoken english.thanks bye — 19/06/2010
SOWMEN MITTER — India — I feel really lucky to have found such a website dedicated to English.I am passionate about learning it well and speaking it as well as do the native speakers of the language. I can somehow manage to express myself in writing but when it comes to speaking I feel myself hard-pressed in understanding native accents or when it is spoken very fast by even foreign speakers.I see a ray of hope expectedly I'll soon get over the problem.  — 21/06/2010
SOWMEN MITTER — India — I am looking forward to friends from across the globe who can be mutually helpful in learning to speak this very essential language.I am willing to do my mite in this regard, if necessary. Thanks to ENGLISHCLUB.COM for bringing me such an opportunity. — 21/06/2010
elham — iran — :-) Hi  thank u for these knowledge,and web.It was very helpful for me. — 22/06/2010
Nour Ahmed Khwashal — Afghanistan — It's great pleasure joining MyEC. I have found a lot my expectations here, now I can practice English and can meet people around the world, Thanks to Joseph Essberger, for the most out of this site. — 23/06/2010
zenaida — Cook — Hello, thank you to whoever had written this page. I just start reading this website, and I am learning to write coherently. I would like to have someone with whom I can exchange or share English grammar. From the bottom of my heart thank you again.  Best regards, Zenaida.  — 24/06/2010
hawkar — iraq — hello,im so gladwith starting this site(web),realy this web is very important for our(students):-)thank you  — 24/06/2010
sanjana — india — :-D hai..i just love this website its a terrific help hail EC — 29/06/2010
Marek  — poland  — Thank You for the enormous and very useful work. This web-site is a real treasure  for all learners    — 30/06/2010
vishal sahrma — india — :-D it to nice to speak in english — 04/07/2010
Austin han wen guang — singapore — IT IS SO GOOD TO LEARN ENGLISH HERE.B-):-O:-o:-(:-D:-);-):oops::-[]:-P THANKS:-)
— 06/07/2010
raz — iraq —  is good for learning english  — 09/07/2010
deyana — Germany — i wont to join with you — 14/07/2010
s. m. shafiul azam — Bangladesh — It is very useful for weak students, Specially for southeast Asian users. Every on can abable to learn Grammar easily and merrily. thanks to authority of englishclub.com — 14/07/2010
sanjit misra — India — This IS the best one in business. — 15/07/2010
mesafintworku — ethiopia — i am realy happy to get in touch with u. — 20/07/2010
Mansiya — Kazakhstan — Super,thank you.This is the best site. — 21/07/2010
Kimteang — cambodia — I really happy that knew this Web ,i hope i will can speak english very soon — 23/07/2010
akrief — Indonesia — It helps very much in doing and developing my job — 23/07/2010
karnasusmitha  — india — Hai how are you. good  — 28/07/2010
hiral — india — Hello,
It's best website for TOEFL preparation. I just try it. Thanks for support. — 29/07/2010
baskarao — india — THIS IS VERY USEFULL SO THANKONG YOU — 29/07/2010
NURUL SUHADA — taiping — B-)i would like to say thank you to the inteligent people who make this website...i can search for many sources of english in this web....:-o:-(;-);-):-P:oops::-o:-OB-):-[] — 30/07/2010
vedhava — america — add many phrasal verbs to list. of,course it's better. — 30/07/2010
Marymar — Thanks for making learning English an interesting time — 31/07/2010
jess — malaysia — anyone knows whether this sentence is correct? "my friend eats and drinks with her close friends every weekend."
tq for helping! — 04/08/2010
sillah — egypt — How good is this site ....i gonna be hjere to to havee trime with friends — 04/08/2010
Elias Gasparini — Brazil — I just loved today seven secrets!!!
I smiled, I laughed, I read again...
— 06/08/2010
zahra-tamartash — Iran — Thanks alot I will do my best to learn them very well:-D;-):-PB-) — 09/08/2010
viki — Moldova — I can use a textbook to learn English grammar. No doubt there are very many interesting things on the site but I hoped to find some concrete help here … I have many concrete questions. I need concrete answers to these questions!!! A professional’s answers. Is it possible to contact a very good professional on your site in order him or her to help me?! I’ll be very disappointed if you say no! Best wishes
— 09/08/2010
silveria — Iran — thank you for helping me to improve my English. — 13/08/2010
SELLENA — VN — thanks alot for sharing of you — 14/08/2010
warda — uae — can you help me to improve my language please — 16/08/2010
pirmahmad r momin — INDIA — GIVE ME SOME TIPS FOR ENGLISH LANGUGES — 17/08/2010
mohamed — Egypt — Ihope to speak English fluently . — 17/08/2010
dipak chavan — INDIA — I have problem when i speak english  that i cannot remember word correct word — 18/08/2010
bhakti kone — India — ;-) hi.... — 19/08/2010
Nid — Thailand — Thanks for this site :-D:-D:-D:-P:-D:-D:-D — 20/08/2010
zainab — iraq — :-D thanks fro this set i want to speak english flunety and learn more english language. best regard zinab — 26/08/2010
Hossein — Iran — Good Idea — 29/08/2010
No One Is Like Me — Wishing you all th ebest :-) — 29/08/2010
harisa murthasya — indonesia — i am beginer please sent to me article for elementary school — 01/09/2010
sethu — india — it good for learner
— 01/09/2010
Souhila — Algeria —  HI!!!  first, I wanna say that english is so easy to learn but the problem is to pronounce correctly :-( and second I wanna say I am very coward to speak my best language I wanna learn, so don't be like me :p — 01/09/2010
Riyad — JORDAN — ;-) Hi all i would thanks every one works on this useful site, I'm  very sure that every one off us know now,yes English language is more easy than we thought with little help i get better. i will do my TOEFL test soon thank you all. — 02/09/2010
sugeng — Indonesia — :-) that best site i've ever seen, we hope, it will be useful for my students.... thanks — 02/09/2010
angel — india — :-)hello.... — 02/09/2010
n.nawabi — afghanistan —
:-D hello every one, this is me,nawabi from Afghanistan,today i really feel myself a unique student of EC in afghanistan and i am really appreciated to EC, because it gave me many things on english unfortunately less approach to internet connection in Afghanistan cause to bring me far from English Club,but i am happy to connect once in a week with EC. I request you dear viewer, to follow this site because you will take more from it. thanks to you. — 03/09/2010
reza — england — You may not be the first but you are the best;.;-) — 04/09/2010
Gautam — India — I joined recently but i m very much impressed therefore i love this club and its members — 06/09/2010
soumya — India — hi...all.Its a great and friendly guide. — 07/09/2010
Allen Parker — United States — Great site for any and all who need alittle help!:-) — 07/09/2010
Summer E. Coupal — Canada — Love the site! Keep it in my bookmarked pages list even after completing my Bus. Com. course. :)  xo — 07/09/2010
James Strode — usa — I was trying to review this site for my esl students, and I haven't seen enough to make a comment — 07/09/2010
Hizkia Soebyanto — Indonesia — Thank you very much... I have got much advantages in learning English by this site.. and my friend and I are learning English by this site and sharing together the lesson Thank you very much.. Byan  — 08/09/2010
ezz mostafda — egypt — i like your site and i want to be one with you — 08/09/2010
Arshada gawai — India — good site for English   — 09/09/2010
Mary Joy Artazo — Philippines — One of my favorite site ever! your site is very helpful to me. :-D thanks for helping students & english learners like me! More power and live long! — 10/09/2010
gajanan — This site is very usefull for me.
— 16/09/2010
Crystal Clark — United States — ;-)I like this site, however it would not print off the parts of speech table for me.  — 17/09/2010
Mick Mooney — Ireland — :-O I will have to visit this site a little earlier in the day! — 21/09/2010
Vira — Cambodia — Really nice to joint English club. I can learn from that. :) — 22/09/2010
Misha — Russia — I've joined to englishclub some hours ago, but I can't sign in. When my login will pass the moderation?
— 22/09/2010
Ramon R Ortiz — USA — Exelent web page to learn English. — 23/09/2010
salaudeen sulyman — nigeria — i'm so happy. to be pert of englishclub, i am so impress on the club founder. thanks — 24/09/2010
john gomes — canada — :-Dhy i m john. — 24/09/2010
Jorge Viguera-Perez — United States of America — Hi to everyone, is for us to be here in this Site because here we can learn English a lot, thanks to English Club Manager Team for have made this important Web Site for us...
Again, thanks so much, 
Jorge Viguera-Perez  — 26/09/2010
faysalman — Kenya — B-)hi i wnna to join now and i'll start my firt lesson on monday 27.09.10 and i'll comment after i see how it test this.
faysalman. — 26/09/2010
ali — yemen — hi everyone! i have passed this site longtime ago, but actually i didn't expect how much useful it is for english learners. it gives day-by-day lessons and expressions which are considered, as i feel , enough to find yourself a good english speaker. for me, i put time aside to read the daily slangs,idioms,sayings, and phrasel verbs, so that i feel that i am adding something new to my mind regularly and methodologically. happy to sign in the guestbook and goodluck for all:-);-):-DB-) — 26/09/2010
Laika Lobaton — Philippines — I'm really thankful to the person who created this site! It gives me much information and helps me with my homeworks. I would reccomend this to my friends and classmates. Finally, we've found a helpful site. More Power!;-) — 29/09/2010
John Kelly — What a wonderful sites! — 29/09/2010
Abdul Razzaq Younis — Sultanate of Oman — I love inglish language , and I want to learn it  — 30/09/2010
Elizaveta — Belarus — :-) it is perfect site!! — 02/10/2010
Richard Burton — England — Wonderful site, love the resources, they are very good. Richard Burton:-) — 02/10/2010
Sigueru Tsuruda — Brazil — B-)Hi, everyone. One of the best sites to English learners and teachers I've come accross. Teachers and learners of English all over the world can now learn and teach real English. Thanks and congratulations for the great work. Regards, Sigueru  — 03/10/2010
Mohamed Hussein — UAE — My best site >> Thank you in advance i know one day i'll improve my English with you .. but i'm still preparing my launch .. wait for me >> i'm coming B-) — 03/10/2010
Capella Alym — Indonesia — I'm grateful to find this website. it help me so much in my english....   :-D — 03/10/2010
imene — algeria — Think you. — 04/10/2010
Rasha — Oman — thanke alot
— 05/10/2010
jadesha kuntoji — India — ;-)it helps easy to understand grammar terms to all. I use site to teach lesson for students.  — 05/10/2010
Samil Kim — Japan — better speaking english — 06/10/2010
Carlos Peixoto — Portugal — I m glad to be here. — 06/10/2010
Karenina — Indonesia — :-D No need to go to other websites, This is the EXQUISITE WEBSITE for ENGLISH LOVERS.
Josef Essberger and Tara Benwell, You are mean everything to us. 
cheers, -K- — 07/10/2010
Mohammad Raqib — Afghanistan — Dear Sir: Hope you are fine and healthy.I want to learn English language and I need for English books.Could you please send me English books or other information about English learning. With kind regards — 10/10/2010
Muhammad Mubazir — Sri Lanka — ;-) I hope this site very useful everyone, I am so happy learning english this site and very very much more then thank englishclup.com all language of thanks.
Mubazir from Kinniya.  — 10/10/2010
priya — India — this site help me a lot to learn idioms ,grammer etc...thanks joe  for your helping mind. — 10/10/2010
Longraffo4ka — Ukraine — No comments yet... — 11/10/2010
SOUFI Samira — Algeria — Idon't know each comment shalli include but i know thati need to be a good user of english in term of lisning, speaking , reading and writing because i'am a fourth year student of English at university. I'll be a teacher but till now ican't communicate(speaking and writing) with others   — 11/10/2010
Leigh — Mexico — Hi! I am trying to sign up along with my students but none of us have received emails yet! (we filled out the forms last week) We would like to start chatting. — 11/10/2010
howra — iran — i think this site is the greatest  — 12/10/2010
Flavio — Brazil — This site is very useful for all levels of English. Congratulation to the founder.  — 13/10/2010
Erica — United States — :-)Thank you to the founder of English Club for helping so many of us improve the English language.
I hope in the future to see more writting quizzes and advance grammar. Thank You to all those people that have contributed in the progress of this courses... :-)
Erica Flores Bronx:-) — 13/10/2010
shalu paliwal — india — A big THANKS....to the founder and Team of English Club for have made this important Web Site(englishclup.com) for all us to improve the English language...Thank you to the founder of English Club for helping so many of us improve the English language. I joined recently a day back and i m very much impressed therefore I thank englishclup.com, and its members...thanks a  lot.....
...shalu... With kind regards....!!! :-):-):-):-) — 14/10/2010
Adarob Onour — OM — I'm waiting for the agreement , and I look forward to be an active member. I can't help waiting any more so please help me and send me activation. — 16/10/2010
Mohamed Sakr — Egypt — I am very Happy cause I am member in English club and happier more cause I have active friends here helped me and share me the different activities which help me totally to improve my English and achieve my main objective for joining English club
Thank you all, I love you all, and I hope for you all the best wishes and the Good luck. :-):-):-) — 16/10/2010
ella  — england — :-o hiii everyone — 17/10/2010
albeiro — Colombia — Hello, every body  hope all of you are ok and receiving blesses. — 18/10/2010
VADIVEL — india —  pls give guest book — 20/10/2010
CELIA REYES — USA — is my first day in this pag l need  lern more inglish  for  comunication with peopple
— 21/10/2010
Ryan — South Mars — I come here because I get lost, so I think I'll leave my alien sign here, anyway this is really good site to learning human language. Take case E.T — 21/10/2010
Simona — Europa — Hello everybod :-D I want to write. — 22/10/2010
Sal — USA — Thanks for your information, Sal. — 23/10/2010
Tran Kiem Dieu Trang — Vietnam — The first time I know this Guestbook — 25/10/2010
Karen — Great info. — 25/10/2010
Black shadow — u.a.e — heeeeeeeeeeeeey  i want to make new frindz ;-) — 25/10/2010
Black shadow — u.a.e — hey i want to learn — 25/10/2010
alvin — Kenya — :-[] — 25/10/2010
mehak — india — hey i wanna learn english and want to know the meaning of 1 line "You were right about the feel" thanx;-) — 25/10/2010
Jenny S — CHINA — ~~ CANDIES ARE SWEET:-) — 26/10/2010
Saifun — Indonesia — Hey..,, I am saifun..,, How are you..??:-D — 26/10/2010
Jenny S — CHINA — :-( i signed up two days ago, but i didn't receive any letter from englishclub, and i still can't sign in. whyyyyyy — 28/10/2010
Sergey — Taganrog — Good!!! — 28/10/2010
Dottie — US — I highly recommend that the writers of this site be careful when entering what they consider to be "proper punctuation." The rules are:  periods and commas always fall WITHIN the quotation marks (even at the end of a sentence). The colon and semicolon fall OUTSIDE the quotation marks.  The dash, question mark and exclamation point fall WITHIN quotation marks when they refer to the quoted matter only; they fall OUTSIDE when they refer to the whole sentence.  As a former English teacher, I see this common mistake much too much!
NOTE FROM ENGLISHCLUB.COM ADMIN: in the interests of clarification we feel it only fair to point out that Dottie appears to American and her comments are therefore presumably based on American English usage. As described in the EnglishClub.com punctuation section there are some differences between British English and American English with regard to punctuation, especially with quotation marks. As an English website EnglishClub.com tends to use British English but tries to highlight important differences with American English. — 30/10/2010
Andre Wyld — Brazil — B-) Helo every body... I am here to learn english with you allo and make friends.... I am 37 y.o. I work as a veterinary and also as a safety tech in an offshore rig.I am so glad to be here and I am sure that soon I`ll make some good friends... — 31/10/2010
ina — Canada — I like the side. — 01/11/2010
kosy — nigeria — hello, guys dis my first time iwould like to learn. — 03/11/2010
romario reid — francais — i wel like to come to tis hoel.B-) — 04/11/2010
Abdulmalik — Saudi Arabia — Greeting All — 05/11/2010
Olga — Russia — Greetings to all ! I want to speak English more and more with interesting people, i.e.with you. Write me. let's introduce with you ! — 06/11/2010
Pie Tjing Tan — Indonesia — :-)I really want to improve my english. And I'm so glad that I have found this site.  — 06/11/2010
Erdal — Turkey — i really improve that my english. write me please. — 06/11/2010
frank — chile — :-P i would like to share with people from around the world, write to me !!!! — 06/11/2010
Immaculata Kadyanji — Tanzania — hello,
I would like very much to speak good English like what others do, I am good in writing but not on speaking.I will be very happy to improve on my English! I will be very happy to be the member of an English club. — 09/11/2010
Hajjar — Indonesia — Please, send me an email about english club information and questions . . .i would like to speak, writing, listening fluently. My best regard to you — 11/11/2010
Thami — Indonesia — Hai.. I'm Thami from Indonesia.. i'm looking for a community to pratice my English. Can you help me??
Thanks before. Gb — 11/11/2010
dilnya — iraq — :-P:-o — 15/11/2010
panji — Indonesia — i want to learn speaking writing n reading english well so please help me.. thank you
— 18/11/2010
rahmadsyah lubis — INDONESIA — ;-)This site is really helpful. I find a bunch of English materials for teaching. Thanks to you administrator and all of you guys are welcome to contact me. See u.  — 19/11/2010
rinki — India — I am learn to english. you can help me. Thank you — 19/11/2010
Jacqui Canning — South Africa — I have been an English language teacher for 6 years. During which time I have found many sites which tell you how to teach English. However I have never found a site as useful as yours. Explanations are clear and tables are so useful. I don't usually waste my time filling in these but English Club you are so good. Well done.;-) — 22/11/2010
Gregory — Colombia — Bloody brilliant website! Used to be grammarphobe and you've turned my life around. Thanks English-Club, i'll be back!
— 22/11/2010
Hachemi — Algeria — the best site i have ever met on the web. It's of a great help to those who are willing to learn english. thank you very much to all those who are contributing to make this site enjoyable — 23/11/2010
huhnars — china — i want to makefriend from all over the world. — 24/11/2010
rahul vikhankar — India — :-) This is very useful website for English learner and Teacher..Thanks.. — 26/11/2010
Ozkan — Belgium — Hi everybody iam new in this website, i hope that i will find too much friend for outdoor activities in brussels or another place....:-D — 26/11/2010
Zaki — South Africa — Hi everyone is my frist time i visit this website, i wish will come here more times and i will get more beautiful friends.:-D — 29/11/2010
Billy ajeng kusuma dewi — indonesia — may I join this club???;-) — 30/11/2010
Maria Ofelia — Panama — Hi, I'm glad to be part  of the English Club. The likns are very useful! — 05/12/2010
Majeed Mahdi — United States — I am so glad if i received talking dictionary to learn to prounciated by american people my greetings and thankings — 05/12/2010
Puhl — france — Hi there!
I'm especially thankful to all those who contribute to this more than useful site:  as an English teacher, I am currently preparing for the creation of an English Club in my college, and coming across your site was a blessing, an incredible well of inspiration! Thanks a lot! — 07/12/2010
dharshana tharanga kohomban arachchi — sri lanka — It's a very good idea for all who want to learn english
— 16/12/2010
rania — sudan — hi every body .iam anew in english club — 16/12/2010
venu gopal b — india — very good idea for learn for English — 17/12/2010
usman — nigeria — ;-)hllo frndz i am usman;am very happy with dis side  — 18/12/2010
Raha Nojavan — iran — I have problem in listening . how can i solve it.
with best Wishes in new year — 23/12/2010
dharshana tharanga kohomban arachchi — sri lanka — hello    don't miss this opportunity. please grab this in both hands, you wanna be good English speaker — 23/12/2010
dinu — india — i hope i ll leran more thrw this web site .. :-[] — 24/12/2010
nikitha  — india — :-):-)very helpful site!!!!!::-):-) — 30/12/2010